David Jaroch Receives Bourland Travel Award

PhD candidate, David Jaroch
PhD candidate, David Jaroch
David Jaroch, a graduate student working with Professor Jenna Rickus, has been selected to receive a 2011 Joe Bourland Travel Award.

David will use the award to present research results at the Second International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials in Strasbourg, France.

The purpose of the Joe Bourland Graduate Student Travel Award is to provide travel support to graduate students in the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering to conferences as part of their graduate studies to the extent that such support is permitted under University policies. Students benefit tremendously from attending conferences and presenting their work to peers and experts in their field. Conferences also present an ideal networking opportunity for students to explore research collaborations, potential employment and broaden their knowledge base.

Dr. Joe Bourland was one of the "Fab 4" to come from Baylor University (along with Drs. Geddes, Tacker and Babbs) in 1974 to begin the Hillenbrand Biomedical Engineering Center that eventually became the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering. It is through the generosity of Dr. Bourland that we are able to provide this support to our graduate students.