Market Analysis Assignment

The purpose of the Market Analysis is to inform, provide appropriate research, and to demonstrate continued progress towards the project goal. Be sure to appropriately site your sources of information.

The Market Analysis should contain the following information:

  • Existing products on the market that are comparable to yours
  • Proposed benefits/advantages and limitations of your product
  • How, by using soybeans does this make the product significantly better
  • Target market demographic and potential market size/sales for your product
  • Product price/cost range for manufacturing and retailing your product
  • Potential for commercialization by existing companies
  • Potential impact on soybean utilization, how many soybeans will be needed/sold (tons or truckloads)
  • Summary of marketing information and future work needed

Heather Howard - Market Analysis & Literature Review
Assistant Professor, Purdue Libraries

Annette Bochenek - Market Analysis & Literature Review
Information Specialist, Purdue Libraries


If your team has any questions regarding these assignments, please direct them to:

Micky Creech
Soy Competition Program Manager
ABE 2034