Dear Internship and Undergraduate Research Applicants:


Internships for Non-Purdue Students

I very seldom have support of any kind (i.e. travel, salary, housing) for non-Purdue students to perform internships and I receive inquiries from several hundred applicants per semester.  I keep all these applications in a folder that I go through in the unlikely event such support becomes available. Due to the large volume of applications received, I do not reply to these personally unless you become a contender for a position.


If you wish to do an internship with the Microfluidics Laboratory and have your own support for doing so, please state that clearly in the beginning of your email body.  Then state your qualifications for doing an internship with us.


Purdue Undergraduates

There are a number of ways in which you may become involved with the Microfluidics Laboratory.  These include:  ME497 Independent Study, ME498/499 Honors Option, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), and Discovery Park Undergraduate Research Internship (DURI).  If you are a hard working student with good grades, please contact me to discuss these options.


Best regards,


Steve Wereley