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LHTEC (Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Company)


LHTEC is a cooperative venture between Allison Engines and Allied Signal. The T800 was originally intended for military applications, but the civilian CTS800 series is also rapidly expanding. Picture goes here
Engine statistics
Specification T800-LHT-800 T800-LHT-801 CTS800-50
Application Modernized Hueys RAH-66 Comanche still under development
T/O Power 1334 shp 1563 shp 1591 shp
T/O SFC 0.45 0.46 0.46
Cruise Power
Cruise SFC
Max pwr. pressure ratio 14.1
Length (in) 31.5
Dia (in) 26.1 26.8 26.8
Weight 310 lb 330 lb 330 lb