# .bashrc file of Alex Quinn (License: public domain)

# Make all files that you create private by default (i.e., not readable,
# writable, or executable by other users on the system).
umask 077

if [[ $- ="i" ]]then  # If this is an interactive session...
    # ECE 264
    export PATH=$PATH:/home/shay/a/ece264p0/share/bin
    alias gcc='gcc -g -Wall -Wshadow --std=c99 --pedantic'

    # Set up prompt like Cygwin version.  These codes are described at...
    #   http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-bash-shell-setup-prompt.html ...
    export PS1='\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '
    export PS2=''
    export PS4=''


    # mcd
    function mcd() {
        # Make a directory and then change to it.  This will be used like an alias.
        mkdir $1
        cd $1

    # less
    alias less='less -r'
    # -r = --raw-control-chars .. means to display raw characters instead of
    # showing ^M, ^R, etc.

    # rm
    alias rm='rm -i'
    # -i = --interactive ... means to prompt before deleting any files, unless
    # -f is added

    # whence
    alias whence='type -a'
    # prints description of a command (i.e., alias, location, etc.) -a means to
    # print all of the places that contain an executable matching the argument

    # ls
    if [ "${BASH_VERSINFO[5]}" == "x86_64-apple-darwin10.0" ]then
        # Mac version of ls
        alias ls='ls -G -p'
        # GNU version of ls
        alias ls='ls -F --color=tty -B'

    # ll
    alias ll='ls -l'
    # -l = use long listing format

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