Distributed Intrusion



To secure today’s computer systems, it is critical to have different intrusion detection sensors embedded in them. The complexity of today’s distributed computer systems makes it difficult to determine the appropriate configuration of these detectors, i.e., which ones to use, where to place them, and how to set up their rule or event definitions to achieve the best detection for the distributed system. In the choice of the number of detectors, more is not always better. There are several reasons why an extreme design choice of a detector at every possible network point, host, and application may not be ideal – the economic cost of acquiring, configuring, and maintaining the detectors; keeping the number of alert streams under attack as well as benign conditions bounded; limit the performance penalty due to the sensors; a system owner may have specific security goals, e.g., detecting a security goal may be very important and requires high sensitivity, while another may need to be done with less tolerance for false positives.

The problem that we address in this work is, given the security goals in a system and a model for the way multi-stage attacks (MSAs) can spread in the system, how can we automatically and, based on scientific principles, select the right configuration of detectors. “Right” is determined by an application-specific requirement on the true positive (TP) – true negative (TN) rate of detection in the system. We explore the space of the configuration of the individual detectors, their placement on the different hosts or network points, and their number in an efficient manner. We use Bayesian inference on a Bayesian network created out of the attack graphs to solve the problem of determining the likelihood that an attack goal has been achieved, given a certain set of detector alerts.

Further, various sources of dynamism are to be expected in large-scale protected systems deployed in enterprise settings. The underlying protected system itself changes with time, with the addition or deletion of hosts, ports, software applications, or changes in connectivity between hosts. A static solution is likely to miss new attacks possible in the changed configuration of the protected system as well as throw off false alarms for attack steps that are just not possible under the changed configuration. The nature of attacks may also change with time or the anticipated frequencies of attack paths may turn out to be not completely accurate based on attack traces observed at runtime. Therefore, our proposed solution needs to update its “belief” in an efficient manner. Finally, when the compromise of a critical asset appears imminent, fast reconfiguration of existing sensors (such as, turning on some rules) may be needed to increase the certainty about the security state of the critical asset. Our contribution in this work is to show how the choice and placement of sensors can be updated through incremental processing when the above kinds of dynamism occur.

We propose a distributed intrusion detection framework that includes two components: (1) a probabilistic reasoning engine and (2) a network of detection sensors to detect various stages of MSAs. The second component comprises o�-the-shelf sensors, augmented with a standard wrapper that allows the sensor to send alerts to the reasoning engine and receive commands back from the reasoning engine. The architecture is able to alert intrusion events related to potential MSAs and determine if any critical asset has been compromised, or is under imminent likelihood of being compromised based on current evidence of the spread of the attack. It also allows for reconfiguration of sensors according to changes to the protected system that is being monitored by the DIADS. Through this architecture, the DIADS can reduce the number of false positives that it would report if it were independently considering each step of the MSA. The reasoning engine represents different possible MSAs as a single Bayesian network, which is updated according to events reported by the detection sensors and the changing network configuration. The probabilistic engine can also request more information from sensors when necessary. The reasoning engine can estimate the security state of the critical assets given partial information about MSAs and from imperfect or noisy sensors. A block diagram of the proposed architecture is shown below.


Our testbeds for this work come from two sources – an NSF-funded center called NEEScomm and Northrop Grumman’s internal network (through a joint Northrop Grumman-CERIAS initiative). The NEES network features 14 geographically-distributed, shared-use laboratories that support several types of experimental earthquake-related work. Purdue provides the IT infrastructure for these laboratories through the NEEScomm center. The infrastructure, based on the HUBzero technology, provides telepresence capabilities, a publicly accessible curated data repository, web-based collaborative tools, access to leading edge compute resources, and opens source computational tools. Physically, this infrastructure comprises about 20 physical servers, running in total about 100 virtual machines. Below is the Bayesian network representation of the NEES network, used in our experiments. Each colored box represents a host, labeled according to its role (for example: web server, database server, developer’s desktop). Inside each box, each node represents a security vulnerability found in the host and labeled by its CVE identifier number.

Achieved Technical Goals

Below are the design milestones and goals that we have achieved in the project so far. We are currently working in the implementation of a distributed intrusion detection system that incorporates our design:

  • Inference on the Bayesian network performed through different choice and placements of detectors. We model the probabilistic relations between attack steps and detectors using the statistical formalism of Bayesian networks. Bayesian networks are particularly appealing in this setting since they enable computationally efficient inference for unobserved nodes (such as attack goals) based on observed nodes (detector alerts.) The important question that Bayesian inference can answer for us is, given a set of detector alerts, what is the likelihood or probability that an attack goal has been achieved. A particularly important advantage is that Bayesian network can be relatively easily created from an attack graph structure which is often assumed to be provided.
  • Greedy and fully polynomial time approximation algorithm developed. We presented a greedy algorithm to determine the choice and placement of detectors in a distributed system, which we called the DETECTOR-PLACEMENT problem. The algorithm takes as input a Bayesian network and a set of detectors. The mapping of our DETECTOR-PLACEMENT problem to the 0-1 Knapsack problem allowed us to utilize the existing algorithms for the popular NP-hard optimization problem. In particular, the Knapsack problem allows approximation to any required degree of the optimal solution by, as previously mentioned, using an algorithm classified as (FPTAS) since the algorithm is polynomial in the size of the instance n and the reciprocal of the error parameter ε. We compared the performance of Greedy and FPTAS algorithms to determine a set of detectors given an attack goal. FPTAS consistently outperformed Greedy, although the latter could be used in scenarios where time constraints exist On-the-fly reconfiguration of sensors (new rules added, rules removed or modified) demonstrated. An execution time comparison between Greedy algorithm and FPTAS, for different values of the error parameter (ε). In our experiments, values of ε equal or larger than 0.01 allow FPTAS to run faster than Greedy.

  • We imbue our solution with the ability to evolve with changes to the protected system and the kinds of attacks seen in the system. To achieve this, we developed two algorithms: (i) one to update the CPTs in the Bayesian network in an incremental manner, given the alerts received by the reasoning engine from the individual detection sensors; and (ii) an algorithm to update the choice of sensors based on runtime inference. The first algorithm uses a popular and powerful model known as Noisy-OR to represent the conditional probability values and its output is the set of CPTs with the updated values.

In summary we have designed a distributed intrusion detection system (DIADS) that can choose and place sensors in a distributed system. The architecture has been developed with multiple sensors embedded in the protected system and with a centralized inference engine that communicates two-ways with the sensors. Through domain-specific optimizations, we make our reasoning engine fast enough to perform reconfiguration of existing sensors in light of MSA.


  • Gaspar Modelo Howard, gmodeloh AT purdue DOT edu, Webpage
  • Jevin Sweval, jevin AT purdue DOT edu, Webpage
Last modified: March 18, 2015