ASM 336 Environmental Systems Management


Fall 2005

Instructors: Professor Bernie Engel, Professor Natalie Carroll and Dr. Akilah Martin

Last updated October 24, 2005 

Class Schedule:
Monday 3:30 ABE 205
Wednesday 3:30 FS 1195 and ABE 205



Assignment for Next Week

Aug. 22

Introduction to Course and Software 

Rural Environmental Issues 

Hydrologic Cycle

HW: Press report of environmental issue

Aug. 24

Hydrologic Cycle





HW: Watersheds

R: Groundwater (CAI)

O: Groundwater Study Guide

O: Watershed Delineation Powerpoint

Aug. 29

Introduction to Carman Lake Restoration Project Software

 HW: Carman Lake Project Homework

Aug. 31

Quiz - Ground Water Software, Hydrologic Cycle, Watersheds

Estimating Runoff

R: L-THIA Runoff Model Powerpoint Slides

R: SedSpec Powerpoint Slides

R: L-THIA and SedSPEC Slides

Sept 5

No Class - Labor Day


Sept. 7

Estimating runoff - meet in FS 1195

HW: L-THIA Runoff HW


HW: SedSpec HW

HW: Mid-term paper proposal

Sept 12

Quiz - Carman Lake Software Concepts 

Climate Change

Carbon Sequestration

Global Warming – handout

Climate Change/Carbon Sequestration Slides


Sept 14

Carbon Sequestration Modeling – meet in FS 1195

HW: Carbon Sequestration Modeling

Sept. 19

Quiz – Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration


Environmental Legislation and Regulation 

R: Environmental Legislation and Regulation powerpoint

HW: Legislation "Paper"

Sept. 21

Water System Design - meet in ABE 205

R: New Environmental Legislation and Regulation powerpoint


R: MWPS 14


HW: Water Quantity and Water System Design Problems

Sept. 26

NAPRA – Agricultural pesticide NPS pollution

Pesticide Slides


NAPRA Slides

Sept. 28

NAPRA – Agricultural pesticide NPS pollution – meet in FS 1195



R: Suggested midterm paper outline

Oct. 3

 NAPRA – Agricultural pesticide NPS pollution



Oct. 5

Water System Design


HW: Water Quantity and Water System Design Problems


Oct. 7

DUE: Mid-term Paper by 5:00 pm


Oct. 10

October Break (No Class)


Oct. 12

Water System Design

Groundwater Quality; DRASTIC

Wellhead Protection

Optional: Indiana Pesticide State Management Plan 





Oct. 17

NAPRA - fungicides


GLEAMS/NAPRA - powerpoint

HW: NAPRA Fungicide Problem

R: Using NAPRA Word Document

HW: Term Project

Oct. 19

GLEAMS/NAPRA - Meet in FS 1195

Work on NAPRA

Oct. 24


On-Site Waste Disposal and Septic Systems



R: On-Site Tutorial (CAI)



Oct. 26

RWASTE - Rural Waste Disposal Design Software

Farmstead Assessment Principles 


Farm-A-Syst Modules


Meet in FS 1195

HW: RWASTE Problem Set


R: Well Location and Condition (CAI and Assessment)

Oct. 31

Farmstead Assessment Principles 


Farm-A-Syst Modules


Fuel, Fertilizer and Pesticide Storage Regulations


R: Soil and Geologic Condition (CAI)

R: Fuel Storage (CAI and Assessment)

R: Pesticide Storage (CAI and Assessment)

R: Fertilizer Storage (CAI)

Nov. 2

Farm-A-Syst Module HWsMeet in FS 1195

HW: Well Location and Condition Problem

HW: Soil and Geologic Condition Problem


HW: Fuel and Pesticide Assessment Problem

Nov. 7

Livestock Waste Management Problem


HW: NAPRA Problems

R: Livestock Waste (CAI and Assessment)

R: Livestock Yards Management (CAI and Assessment)


R: Milking Center (CAI and Assessment)


HW: Milking Center Problem



HW: Livestock Waste Management Problem

Nov. 9

 Livestock Waste Management Problem -  meet in FS 1195



HW: Livestock Waste Management Problem - continued

Nov. 14

Quiz - Farm-A-Syst Modules: Well location, Soil and Geologic, Fuel, Fertilizer, Pesticide Storage, Livestock Waste, Livestock Yards, Milking Center 


Nov. 16

Work on livestock waste problem

Meet in FS 1195


Nov. 21



Nov. 23

 Thanksgiving Break (No Class)


Nov. 28



Nov. 30

Soil Erosion 

R: Soil Erosion Materials

Dec. 5

Soil Erosion



Dec. 7

Soil Erosion Estimation


Dec. 12

DUE: Term Project



                                                            R: Required

                                                            HW: Homework

                                                            O: Optional

Most course materials will be provided by the instructor through links at this WWW page. The only book that is required is Midwest Plan Service 14 - Private Water Systems. Additional details on purchasing this book will be provided later (approximate cost $10).

Materials of possible interest:

Purdue Extension Water Quality

NRCS NEH 20 - Animal Waste Management Field Handbook

EPA Publications On-Line


Water Quality Cooperative Extension Service Publications

FARM and FIELD A SYST Materials

National Environmental Publication Information Site (NEPI)

Indiana Department of Environmental Management

Agricultural Compliance Assistance Center


Surf Your Watershed

Nonpoint Source News Notes

Impact of Agricultural Systems on Ground Water Quality

Office of the Indiana State Chemist

Purdue Safe Water Site

Grading Policy





Mid-term Paper


Term Project


Class Participation






20% deduction per day for late assignments

Grading Scale


= >=90


= 80 - 90


= 70 - 80


= 60 - 70


< 60

Statement on Academic Honesty

Honesty requires that ideas, data, figures, tables, equations, process concepts, wording of explanations, or other forms of intellectual property of others must be fully acknowledged. The use of such property in reports and papers is acknowledged by citing the source (all of the authors, year, title, journal or other publication in which the information appeared, volume and number, editors if appropriate, [publishing house, city, state if the information is from a book], and beginning and ending page numbers of the publication). Property that is conveyed through a letter or other form of personal communication is to be indicated as such. Again, give the authors, year, title (if appropriate), and "Personal Communication".

The offering of materials assembled, collected, or created by others or reported by others in the form of projects, books or parts of books, periodicals, speeches, or the writings of other students as one's own is plagiarism. Dishonesty of any kind with respect to examinations, quizzes, or alterations of records is cheating.

Plagiarism and/or cheating is sufficient for an F. See the student handbook for University rules.

This statement was adapted from Professor Richard Feinberg, 1993, "Academic Honesty and Dishonesty," CSR Department, Purdue University.

Instructor Information

Professor Bernie Engel

ABE Room 218

Phone: 494-1162



Professor Natalie Carroll

ABE Room 310



Dr. Akilah Martin

ABE Room 216
