Purdue IE Webletter

  Purdue IE to host Indy-area reception and networking event

Purdue IE alums who live in the greater Indianapolis area will have the opportunity to meet Abhi Deshmukh, the James J. Solberg Head of Industrial Engineering, and network with other local alums at a reception planned for early September.

The Purdue IE Indy Alumni Reception and Networking Event will be held Thursday, Sept. 5 from 4:30 to 6 pm at The Speak Easy, located at 5255 N. Winthrop Avenue in Indianapolis.  Ample parking for the event will be available in the adjacent lot and on the street.

Our IE alums know that few disciplines prepare students for the broad spectrum of careers that awaits industrial engineers -- and that spectrum is only growing.  Armed with a diverse toolkit and an entrepreneurial mindset, Purdue IE's are making a big impact in Indianapolis and beyond!

Join us for a casual reception at The Speak Easy, the 'clubhouse' for Indy start-ups, to connect with IE alums from the Indianapolis area and hear how Purdue's School of Industrial Engineering is leading the next generation to ReThink IE!

Please RSVP by Sept. 3 to Heidi Faith at 765-496-7827 or hfaith@purdue.edu.

Speak Easy Indy


Keep Purdue IE in the loop!

We like to think of Purdue IE as one big extended family -- with about 8,000 members! It's tough to keeps tabs on so many people, so we'd like your help in keeping us all connected.

If you've changed jobs, had a new child, received a promotion or discovered that your next-door neighbor in Bugtussle, Nebraska is also a Purdue IE, drop us a note and/or photograph at: IEalumni@purdue.edu.

We'll feature these items in future issues of the Purdue IE Webletter!

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